Baptist Lamp: The Book of Matthew Audio Series

The Book of Matthew

Matthew 6:1-6 — Exceeding Righteousness and Religious Exercise # 1

Matthew 6:7-8 — Exceeding Righteousness and Religious Exercise # 2

Matthew 6:7-15 — Exceeding Righteousness and Religious Exercise # 3 The Model Prayer

Matthew 6 :16-18 — Exceeding Righteousness and

Religious Exercise # 4

The Book of Mark

The Book of Luke

Luke 21: 5-19 — When Shall These Things Be

Luke 21:20-24 — When Shall These Things Be #2

Luke 21: 25-28 — When Shall These Things Be # 3

Luke 21:29-38 — When Shall These Things Be #4

The Book of John

John 7: 1-18 — Jesus At the Feast of Tabernacles # 1

John 7: 14-24 — Jesus At the Feast of Tabernacles # 2

John 7: 25-36 — Jesus At the Feast of Tabernacles # 3

John 8: 12-20 — Jesus and the Pharisees in the Temple # 1

John 8: 20-30 — Jesus and the Pharisees in the Temple # 2

John 8: 30-38 — Jesus and the Pharisees in the Temple # 3

John 8: 39-47 — Jesus and the Pharisees in the Temple # 4

John 8: 48-59 — Jesus and the Pharisees in the Temple # 5

John 12: 31-36 — Jesus and the Gentiles # 2

John 13: 36 through 14: 7 — The Disciples Question Jesus # 1

John 14: 8-21 — The Disciples Question Jesus # 2

John 14: 22-30 — The Question of Judas, Not Iscariot __ The Disciples Question Jesus # 3

John 17: 1-10 — The Lord’s Prayer # 1

John 17: 11-17 — The Lord’s Prayer # 2

John 17: 18-26 — The Lord’s Prayer # 3

John 17: 25-26 — The Lord’s Prayer # 4

John 18: 12-27 — The Trial of Jesus # 1

The Book of Acts

Acts 12: 1-25 — But the Word of God Grew and Multiplied

Acts 13: 13-30 — The Preaching of the Apostle Paul #1

Acts 13: 31-41 — The Preaching of the Apostle Paul #2

Learn More About the Book of Matthew

Two women are standing in front of a cave.
A person is reading a book on the table
A person is reading an open book
A man sitting at a table with his hands on the chin.